Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Last Week

May 1, 2007 -

Today was the last day of my internship. I brought bagels! I worked with David as he completely changed a sushi spot. Than we met with a client until she approved the spot. Later I made a few changes to a DV8 spot. I was sad to go. It was a great internship.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Week Sixteen

April 24, 2007-

Today I helped Ray do a Rancho Vistoso commercial. There were three different versions and cuts. I got to do the voice over for all three. It took a while because I messed up a lot. When it was done we sent it to the client and they like it.

April 27, 2007-

Today we got to shoot a commercial for Game Kraze at my other job, Bladeworld. My friends and I played soccer and got "PWNed" for the commercial. It was fun. After, I helped Matt add a few changes to a spot. Later I got to go through our soccer footage and find the best shot for the commercial. It looks good.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Week Fifteen

April 17, 2007-
Today David and I worked on some images given to us on Adobe Photoshop. I learned a lot about different layers that can be used with the program as I had to seperate them for the commercial.

April 20, 2007-
Today I stuck with Ray as he edited a spot for Rancho Vistoso Plaza. There were three different variations and I got to do the voice over for them. There were so many words that had to be fit into 30 seconds so I spent a good 20 minutes in the recording room. :-)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week Fourteen

April 10, 2007-
Today I went with David to go scope out some areas in Tucson for a spot. The point of it was to show new businesses to appeal to other new businesses that may want to have a commercial of their own. We went to different construction sites, took pictures, and met with clients.

April 13, 2007-
Today was a slow Friday. Ray gave me a couple things to edit and then sent me home.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Week Thirteen

April 3, 2007-
Today I was given more footage to play around with and edit. It was a spot for Galaxy Quest, a store with all sci-fi stuff. I got to play around with some special effects and made the spot into a bit of a comedy.

April 6, 2007-
Today I was so sick I could not get out of bed :-(

Friday, March 30, 2007

Week Twelve

March 27, 2007-
Today Cox Media had another training. This time it was about Time Management. We discovered our priorities and what had to change to be successful. We were given a list of things that can help us with our time management at work and in life.

March 30, 2007-
Today I was given a bunch of Infiniti car footage to digitize for a spot. It was a bunch of raw footage that I had to cut up into small shots. After lunch, Matt showed me some funny spots that he did for place called Gamers Zone. I helped him come up with another idea for another spot in the future.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Week Eleven

March 20, 2007 -
Today I went with Matt and David to Utterback Middle School to help them film a commercial. It is a magnet school that concentrates on the arts. We got to film music, drama, and dance.

March 23, 2007 -
Ray referred to today as a "catch up day." Access Tucson and Discover Tucson spots, which are always done on Fridays, had to be finished as well as the rest of the spots for the rest of the week. David let me do most of the editing on a DV8 spot which turned out awesome!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Friday, March 9, 2007

Week Nine!

March 6, 2007 -
Today was a standard editing day. I worked on an old 30-second spot just to practice more on Avid.

March 9, 2007 -
Today I attended a training with the Cox Media staff about Self Awareness. In this training we all learned about different personality types and which personality type was our own. We learned how to use that knowledge to our advantage when communicating with customers. We learned how each personality type likes to be dealt with.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Week Eight!

February 27 -
Today everyone was out of the office so it will be made up another day.

March 2 -
Today I got to help edit a complicated Discover Tucson spot with Matt. After, I did a ten second recording for a Cox Media spot. It was very exciting to know that my voice would be on a commercial. After lunch I went with Matt and David to Ace Hardware to reshoot a couple shots because of a new rewards card. I help set up the lights and camera and held the boom mic.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Week Seven!

February 20 -
Today Matt and I met with a client at Cabinets Plus. They just opened their store and want to get their name out to the public. The client gave us information about her store, her budget, and what she wanted. She wanted to keep the first commercial simple with still photos and a low budget.

February 23 -
Today Ray gave me the task of writing the script for Cabinets Plus. I had to go through pamphlets that the client had given us and make a safe and informational script, like the client wanted. I also got to come up with some more creative scripts to pitch to the client for more options or maybe even future commercials. It was difficult but I would love to see one of my scripts and definitely see one of my creative scripts be used in a commercial.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Week Six!

February 13 -
Today I had a talk with Staci. Although I had learned a lot about the marketing at Cox Media, I felt that my time in marketing was not being used very well. Staci and I decided that it would be best if I spent my time on Tuesdays in production.

The guys were at a shoot at the Auto Mall so I went over there to help out. This shoot was a little different than usual because we were working with another advertising company. They did the creative thinking and writing for the ad and we did the filming. Many of the same shots were taken over and over again until the directors felt that the actor, light, and sound was perfect. It was very windy and I had to hold down the sunblocker so it didn't blow over into the very expensive cars. :-)

February 16 -
Remember that sushi commercial that the guys did? Today we did the editing for it. I batch captured all of the shots into Avid and made a rough cut. David came in and help me make the final cut of the commercial. It looked really nice. I can't wait to see it on TV!

Later I went with Kevin from marketing to meet with an old client of his. We went to the client's gym where he talked about his business, his lectures, and his new book about healthy weight-loss and life-styles. The client asked me to come up with some ideas for a potential commercial and asked Kevin to come up with a package of potential air times.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Week Five!

February 6 -
Today Staci was out of town. She was at a Cox Media convention at the headquarters in Atlanta. I decided to go over to the Production side where I got to help out Ray in editing a jewelry commercial. I picked out the shots I liked and which order I liked them. He took my advice and we agreed that the commercial came out very nicely.

February 9 -
Today David and I had a meeting with a client for the clothing and belt store called Loop but first we went shopping. David and Matt had a big shoot later that afternoon for a sushi restaurant. David wanted to get an oriental-looking table, gold paper (for lighting), and some flowers for the commercial. I suggested that we go to Michael's and Target. At Michael's we found a very big, shinny, and gold poster board and we also found some nice oriental flowers on sale. We went over to Target for the table and I found a bamboo mat that I suggested that they just lay over a table. David loved it and bought it. (The props turned out to be perfect in the commercial and David said the flowers and mat looked great in his house afterward).

David and I went over to Loop in La Encantada. The client wanted us to make a new commercial for the store that would focus on his beautiful belt buckles. We asked him what he was looking for and we threw out a couple ideas for him to think about. We got a feel for the store and the demographic so we could come up with something great in the office.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Week Four!

January 30 -
Today Staci was out of the office so I got to hang out with some other people in marketing. Kevin, a sales representative, talked me through what he does. He meets with clients and potential clients that want to air commercials on Cox and Comcast stations. Kevin does research about the clients' companies in order to find the best demographic and television spots for the commercials. He took me through a mock meeting so I could get a feeling for his style of meeting with clients.

February 2 -
I went into the office sick and was sent home two minutes later.

February 4 -
In order to make up for Friday, I went on my very first shoot on Sunday! It was a traveling Mexican pottery show that was up in Oro Valley. I was given my own camera and my job was to get a wide-shot of the potter while he uniquely fired a piece and unveiled it. Once that was done, Matt, Nick, and I went inside to get static shots of the jewelry that had been constructed out of pottery. We had to set up the lighting for the room and I got to pick out the pieces that we filmed. I had a great time and learned that I need to get stronger in order to lift the cameras for more than a minute.

Friday, January 26, 2007

My Birthday Week!

January 23 -
Happy Birthday to me!.. and Staci! What a coincidence. Staci gave me a cup-cake and sent me home to finish a paper so I would be free for the night.

January 26 -
In order to get more comfortable on Avid, Ray gave me a project. He gave me a three minute long preview of the Disney movie "The Greatest Game Ever Played." I had to break it up and make it into a 30-second preview without loosing information about the film. It was tough but it was great Avid practice.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Week Two!

January 16 -
Today Staci had me make lables for folders and do more research on the computer.

January 19 -
Today I got to meet with a client for the first time. Matt from production and Randy from marketing were both there. The client was a representitive for Spring Fling. She wanted to discuss the budget Spring Fling had for the year for a new 30-second spot and how much air time the spot could get. We talked about the target demographic and which stations and shows would be best for the commercial to air on.

Friday, January 12, 2007

My First Week!

January 11 -
Because there was no school on Tuesday, I decided to come in on Thursday for day 1. I worked in marketing with Staci. She took me and introduced me to everyone in the office. She had me make a quarterly chart for all of the marketing promotions and special events (sweeps week) for the year. I was given a list of special websites for each Cox Media station (which is a lot) in order to find information about the special events and programmings.

January 12 -
Today was my first day in production with "the guys," (Ray, David, and Matt). The guys use Fridays as a catch-up day to finish all of their projects of the week. They finish editing spots, writing scripts, making appointments, etc... David was finishing editing a commercial for a company called SunLife. He had me sit at the computer and put in text (location, phone, etc...) in the ad. Cox uses Avid Editing and I am only used to Final Cut-Pro so doing a simple task like adding text was very frustrating. The guys were also preparing to do a shoot for the restaurant, The Great Wall of China, later that day.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Cox Media and My Internship

"Cox Media is one of the most respected advertising sales organizations in the industry. We provide cable television advertising planning and buying services, research analysis, professional commercial production and exclusive promotions to advertising agencies and business owners in 13 states nationwide. As part of the Cox Enterprises family of companies, Cox Media is the advertising sales division of Cox Communications Inc.."

I met with Ray, the production supervisor of Cox Media, and Staci, the marketing supervisor of Cox Media, to discuss my internship. Because I really wanted to learn about both the marketing and production sides, we came up with a schedule so I could to both. We decided that I would work 3 hours in marketing on Tuesdays and 6 hours in production on Fridays. I am very excited about my internship because it is my first step towards my dream of some day making national commercials.