Saturday, February 10, 2007

Week Five!

February 6 -
Today Staci was out of town. She was at a Cox Media convention at the headquarters in Atlanta. I decided to go over to the Production side where I got to help out Ray in editing a jewelry commercial. I picked out the shots I liked and which order I liked them. He took my advice and we agreed that the commercial came out very nicely.

February 9 -
Today David and I had a meeting with a client for the clothing and belt store called Loop but first we went shopping. David and Matt had a big shoot later that afternoon for a sushi restaurant. David wanted to get an oriental-looking table, gold paper (for lighting), and some flowers for the commercial. I suggested that we go to Michael's and Target. At Michael's we found a very big, shinny, and gold poster board and we also found some nice oriental flowers on sale. We went over to Target for the table and I found a bamboo mat that I suggested that they just lay over a table. David loved it and bought it. (The props turned out to be perfect in the commercial and David said the flowers and mat looked great in his house afterward).

David and I went over to Loop in La Encantada. The client wanted us to make a new commercial for the store that would focus on his beautiful belt buckles. We asked him what he was looking for and we threw out a couple ideas for him to think about. We got a feel for the store and the demographic so we could come up with something great in the office.

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