Sunday, February 4, 2007

Week Four!

January 30 -
Today Staci was out of the office so I got to hang out with some other people in marketing. Kevin, a sales representative, talked me through what he does. He meets with clients and potential clients that want to air commercials on Cox and Comcast stations. Kevin does research about the clients' companies in order to find the best demographic and television spots for the commercials. He took me through a mock meeting so I could get a feeling for his style of meeting with clients.

February 2 -
I went into the office sick and was sent home two minutes later.

February 4 -
In order to make up for Friday, I went on my very first shoot on Sunday! It was a traveling Mexican pottery show that was up in Oro Valley. I was given my own camera and my job was to get a wide-shot of the potter while he uniquely fired a piece and unveiled it. Once that was done, Matt, Nick, and I went inside to get static shots of the jewelry that had been constructed out of pottery. We had to set up the lighting for the room and I got to pick out the pieces that we filmed. I had a great time and learned that I need to get stronger in order to lift the cameras for more than a minute.

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