Friday, January 12, 2007

My First Week!

January 11 -
Because there was no school on Tuesday, I decided to come in on Thursday for day 1. I worked in marketing with Staci. She took me and introduced me to everyone in the office. She had me make a quarterly chart for all of the marketing promotions and special events (sweeps week) for the year. I was given a list of special websites for each Cox Media station (which is a lot) in order to find information about the special events and programmings.

January 12 -
Today was my first day in production with "the guys," (Ray, David, and Matt). The guys use Fridays as a catch-up day to finish all of their projects of the week. They finish editing spots, writing scripts, making appointments, etc... David was finishing editing a commercial for a company called SunLife. He had me sit at the computer and put in text (location, phone, etc...) in the ad. Cox uses Avid Editing and I am only used to Final Cut-Pro so doing a simple task like adding text was very frustrating. The guys were also preparing to do a shoot for the restaurant, The Great Wall of China, later that day.

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