Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Last Week

May 1, 2007 -

Today was the last day of my internship. I brought bagels! I worked with David as he completely changed a sushi spot. Than we met with a client until she approved the spot. Later I made a few changes to a DV8 spot. I was sad to go. It was a great internship.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Week Sixteen

April 24, 2007-

Today I helped Ray do a Rancho Vistoso commercial. There were three different versions and cuts. I got to do the voice over for all three. It took a while because I messed up a lot. When it was done we sent it to the client and they like it.

April 27, 2007-

Today we got to shoot a commercial for Game Kraze at my other job, Bladeworld. My friends and I played soccer and got "PWNed" for the commercial. It was fun. After, I helped Matt add a few changes to a spot. Later I got to go through our soccer footage and find the best shot for the commercial. It looks good.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Week Fifteen

April 17, 2007-
Today David and I worked on some images given to us on Adobe Photoshop. I learned a lot about different layers that can be used with the program as I had to seperate them for the commercial.

April 20, 2007-
Today I stuck with Ray as he edited a spot for Rancho Vistoso Plaza. There were three different variations and I got to do the voice over for them. There were so many words that had to be fit into 30 seconds so I spent a good 20 minutes in the recording room. :-)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week Fourteen

April 10, 2007-
Today I went with David to go scope out some areas in Tucson for a spot. The point of it was to show new businesses to appeal to other new businesses that may want to have a commercial of their own. We went to different construction sites, took pictures, and met with clients.

April 13, 2007-
Today was a slow Friday. Ray gave me a couple things to edit and then sent me home.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Week Thirteen

April 3, 2007-
Today I was given more footage to play around with and edit. It was a spot for Galaxy Quest, a store with all sci-fi stuff. I got to play around with some special effects and made the spot into a bit of a comedy.

April 6, 2007-
Today I was so sick I could not get out of bed :-(

Friday, March 30, 2007

Week Twelve

March 27, 2007-
Today Cox Media had another training. This time it was about Time Management. We discovered our priorities and what had to change to be successful. We were given a list of things that can help us with our time management at work and in life.

March 30, 2007-
Today I was given a bunch of Infiniti car footage to digitize for a spot. It was a bunch of raw footage that I had to cut up into small shots. After lunch, Matt showed me some funny spots that he did for place called Gamers Zone. I helped him come up with another idea for another spot in the future.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Week Eleven

March 20, 2007 -
Today I went with Matt and David to Utterback Middle School to help them film a commercial. It is a magnet school that concentrates on the arts. We got to film music, drama, and dance.

March 23, 2007 -
Ray referred to today as a "catch up day." Access Tucson and Discover Tucson spots, which are always done on Fridays, had to be finished as well as the rest of the spots for the rest of the week. David let me do most of the editing on a DV8 spot which turned out awesome!